Stop Motion Project 2017

Project Overview

In hirstory class this year, we are creating a stop motion project to portray a Labor conflict that ended in some sort of violence. We were put into groups and were able to choose the conflict to create a video on. My group chose to do the Great Railroad strike of 1877, where workers protested against the railroads due to wage cuts that had happened three times that year.

Pictures of the progress so far:

We are using lego people to represent the people who took part in the riots
After we are finished building our set, then we started our filming process.

It took us about two weeks to actually finish filming our stop motion portion. We also put a slide show of pictures into our final video, as well as a video of the buring of one of our building. During the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, one of the riots resulted in the buring of the Union Depot. In Pennsylvania a railcar was set in fire and was sent into the Union Depot, engulfing it in flames.


Created with images by callocx - "Railroad"

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