Gods Chose People By Chris And Gage

The fathers of the Hebrews are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob later named Israel. Isaac is one of the 12 sons of Jacob. God trusted Abraham very much.
Judaism is a religion that worships one God. This is called monotheism. Judaism is one of the many monotheistic religions.
The four values of Judaism are beliefs in God, education, justice, and obedience.
Ruth and Naomi are from the book of Ruth in the Bible. After Ruth's husband passed away she adopted the Hebrew religion.
Their traditions and Holy Days help them understand and celebrate their history. Passover is a time for Jews to remember the Exodus. Hanukkah honors the rededication of the second temple during the revolt of the Maccabees. Yom Kippur is where the Jews ask God to forgive their sins. Rosh Hashanah is where the Jews celebrate the new year on their calendar.


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