Evolution of music By: Rubie Benke

The earliest forms of music were percussion, like rocks, or sticks. The Egyptians invented the flute, harps and clarinets in about 4,000 BCE. The. The trumpet was created then then the guitar was.

Music in ancient Rome and greece was the start of classical music.In Greece was where they found the octave scale.

In 600 CE Pope Gregory had the first music school built in Europe. In 1100 CE folk music was created from the seperation of a church.

In 1465 the printing press printed the first paper music. They were very successful in the business.

The genres blues, jazz, folk music, rock music, hip hop music, rapping, rythym and blues, punk rock, pop , reggae, techno, country music, opera and many more. There has been many different types of music over the years, it has evolved over the years. I like the music a lot more than the old music.

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