The Good Life: The Harn Μiranda mcmanus

Art and Core Values

This piece makes an important statement on women's sexual exposure and monetary reward. After viewing this piece I really started to question the statistic, but it was indeed true.

Looking at the piece made me disappointed to see the continuation of unequal rights for women in reference to always being nude in order to succeed.

Art & the Good Life

Cundo Bermudez's piece was especially interesting to me because of my Hispanic background. The bright colors and positioning in the piece reflects individuality yet interconnected between the women. I would say the fighting theme would go well with this piece due to the ethnic challenges of being a minority. The unity of the women in the photo could be analyze as future civil disobidence opportunities.

Design of the Musuem

The location of this piece was near a wing enetrance to the Latin American exhibit. The lighting of this piece made Frida seems extra grandiour but appreciated.

I love the way this piece is glorified by its size and location to attract attention from the audience to Frida and her important achievements.

Medium of the Art/ Technique of the Artist

Seeing this piece in person was even more impressive than in the photos because the work was massive and reflected the crazy abstract texture and 3D swirls and edges.

The mixture of vibrant colors in this piece made me think of diversity in differenet cultures because of the variety of colors in the piece.

Hooray! The end! (Featuring a self potrait she made of me. ([i made one of her as well!])

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