Color Sorter Seth papania and Michel Reising

Project Description

The prime directive of this project was to select a model build from the mind-storm program and construct it according to the instructions. The project was the Color Sorter Bot which will scan colored blocks and place them into specific containers according to color.

Program Description

Program Picture 1: The first section controls the movement of the robot, which is the conveyor belt that moves the dispenser, along with the actions of the dispenser itself. This section also operates the touch sensor that triggers the next step of the dispenser.

Program Picture 2: The second section controls the looping of the color sensor and the displaying of the arrows. This section also logs the order of the scanned pieces. It loops the two sensors and starts along with stops the program with the pushing of the center brick button.

Program Picture 3: This section of the program controls the noises the bot makes when a piece is scanned. This part also deactivates the color sensor section of the program with the push of the center button of the brick. The pressing of the center button causes the program to transition to the dispensing phase. The program will also transition when the maximum amount of colored pieces have been scanned.

Program Picture 4: The last section of the program will operate the movement of the dispenser and the tracking of the order of the scanned pieces. This part of the program also controls the announcements of the color the robot is dispensing.

What I Learned

I had a quick refresher in checking to make sure the cables were plugged into the correct ports. I learned that the bot must be meticulously built because every little piece matters in the overall performance of the bot. I also learned of the complexity of the robots program.

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