Cougar Communication November 28-December 2

Reminder: Faculty meeting Tuesday morning 7:40am in the Library-Briefing regarding personnel.

Apple iPad Trainer will be here November 29th and 30th!

Our other Apple iPad Trainer, Jacque Havice, will be here all day Tuesday the 29th and morning half day on the 30th of this week. Let's put her to work! Below is a google docs link that you can sign up for a time slot and where you would like Jacque to meet you or a team. A note from Jacque on how she can help us....

"I can work with your teachers during their planning time or in their classrooms helping with different activities and/or projects with their students. I could also spend time working with a Vanguard/Technology Team if you feel that would be a good option."

Wednesday Collaboration Activities this Week!

Join us in the cafeteria starting at 1:45 for positive news! We have an LEA Scholarship Award Winner amongst us! We invite staff to bring snacks that Wed afternoon and us take a moment to recognize the positive things happening around us. Also, staff will receive their door fob and crisis kit for their classroom at this time. After that (approx 2pm)...

BLT Meeting 2pm-3pm Office Conference Room

MLK Meeting 2pm-3pm Jill Jeven's Rm

Tom Barker-Study Abroad Conversations and Information, Tom's Rm

Or-continue iPad lesson integration, collaboration, and work with apps during this collaboration time (this will be post Apple iPad trainer, Jacque's time with us for two days)

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