TRF Slate How to fill in a TRF, and the Tutorials Process

This Is A Normal TRF Paper with Multiple Sections.

POC and Critical Thinking is the most important part of the TRF. This points out your main struggle with the problem.

Every Section is apart of your grade so it's recommended to do them all.

This is the Reflection for TRFs. You always fill them out right after your done with Tutorials. This is so that you can actually remember how to counteract your POC and to learn from your mistakes.

Three Column Notes are so you can write down your peers POC, Notes, and Steps. This is so Just Incase you have confusion over one of your peers subject later in the future you can go back to the notes you took and go over it.

The Critical Thinking is the key to a TRF. This shows the step you took to figure out your question and to see if you have mistakes in your work or give you different or additional steps to your problem.

Point of Confusion is to see a descriptive way of where you're confused in the problem or your steps.

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