Coral reef summer miles

  • Coral reefs are the most diverse of all marine ecosytems.
  • The value of coral reefs has been estimated at 30 billion U.S dollars.
  • Corals can be found in both shallow and deep water.
  • Coral reefs can also be found in three of earth´s oceans, the Atlantic , the Pacific, and the Indian ocean.
  • Corals are ancient animals related to Jellyfish and anemones.
  • The skeletons of many coral colonies,add up to build the structure of a coral reef.
  • The coral reef is second only to rain forest in biodiversity of species.
  • Coral reefs covers less than 0.2 of our ocean, but they contain 25% of the world´s marine fish species.

  • There are three major types of coral reefs, Fringing reefs, Atoll reefs, and last but not least Barrier reefs.
  • Fringing reefs are reefs that grow directly from a shore
  • Atoll reefs are roughly circular/annular oceanic reef system´s surrounding by a large (and often deep) central lagoon
  • Barrier reef are extensive linear complexes that parallel a shore and are separated from it by a lagoon
  • Corals reef need water that is between sixty eight- eighty two, twenty- twenty eight
  • Coral reefs need clear,clean,nutrient free water to thrive
  • Corals typically grow only one-half an inch each year
  • The Coral reef is extremely fragile, the lightest touch can destroy the living polys
  • Roughly one-quater of coral reef, world-wide are already considered damayed beyond repair
  • The coral reef have survived tens thousand years of natural change
  • Coral bleaching occurs when stressful conditions occur
  • Rising ocean temperature from global warming means, that events like catastropic nineteen niniety eight coral bleaching in the Great Barrier reef in Australia will become more common
  • Fishing ,destruction, pollution, and massive species are taking a huge toil on the coral reef
  • Coral reefs have a huge tourist attraction
  • Various types of microscopic algae known as symbiodinis live inside the coral
  • Reef-building corals may occur in a variety of growth forms, and there often is strong variation in coral shape even within a species
  • In recent years scientists have discovered cold water coral reefs off the coast of Norway
  • The skeletons of many coral colonies add up to build the structure of a coral reef
  • Coral reefs are experiencing a rapid decline in ecosytem health
  • Individual coral polys within a reef are typically very small usally half an inch
  • In the so- called true stony corals, which compose of most tropical reefs, each polyp sits in a cup made of calcium
  • For the coral reef ecosystem the sun is there source of energy
  • An increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere also leads to more acidification of ocean water which can harm the corals and decrease the production of coral reefs
  • Reefs usually develop in areas that have alot of wave action, because the waves bring in food, nutrients, and oxygen to the reefs
  • For many coastal areas, coral reef also provide an important barrier against the worst ravages of storms
  • The coral reefs organism are being used in treatments for diseases like cancer and HIV
  • Chemical compounds extracted from corals, are used in medicine for ATDS, and other deadly dieases
  • Reef building corals work together with microscopic algae, called Zooxanthellae
  • The Zooxanthellae provides oxygen and food to the corals through photo-synthesis
  • The coral reef provides protection to coastal communities from hurricanes and tornadoes
  • The domiant organisms are known as framework builders, because they provide the Matrix for the growing reef
  • The massive boulder and branching corals at the reef, form a basis of a coral community
  • The variety of life that is supported by the Coral reef rivals, that is located in the tropical forest of the Amazon in New Guinea
  • The reefs in Florida keys, holds at least 45 species of stony coral
  • The longest barrier reef in the world, lies off the coast of Austraila
  • Coral reefs are extremely vulnerable to warm water temperatures
  • Pacific shallow are often dominated by the erect coral Pocillapora damicornis
  • Several hundred species of colonial invertebrates can be found living on the undersides of platy corals
  • When water temperatures rise, the algae living in the coral dies, creating large areas of dead bleached coral reefs
  • Most of these organisms are colonial, and the slow process of precipitation, moves the living surface layer of the reef upward and seaward

Works Cited

Coral Reefs. Web. 29 Apr. 2017.

"Basic Facts About Coral Reefs." Defenders of Wildlife. 16 Sept. 2014. Web. 29 Apr. 2017.

"Building a Future in Which Humans Live in Harmony with Nature." WWF. Web. 29 Apr. 2017.

"The Coral Reef." Earthjustice. 15 May 2015. Web. 01 May 2017.

"Coral Reef Facts." Coral Reef Facts and Information. Web. 29 Apr. 2017.

"Coral Reef Facts:." Facts About Coral Reefs - Coral Reef Facts. Web. 01 May 2017.

Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. "Smithsonian Ocean Portal." Ocean Portal | Smithsonian. 01 Jan. 2010. Web. 23 Apr. 2017.


Created with images by edanley - "Green Stylophora" • HarshLight - "Philippine Coral Reef" • Sharon Mollerus - "Coral Reef, Great Lakes Aquarium, Duluth"

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