Butter for the poor By: Rachael Noble

As a gracious cultural institution, the Christian church has always looked to provide for the less fortunate. And a way to contribute to that is by saving food, as in butter. You butter believe that with new findings the church can provide more and not worry about food being wasted on the floor. As one of the main focuses of the church, this is a great thing to reassure all that help the less fortunate.

Even in common life this tragedy of ruined butter bread haunts us From young to old, poor to rich, male to female but, again, the good news is here that the butter will land face up and greet you, saving the delicacy.

Even further the church has to rise up and get ahead of the curb on this knowledge that could save money and even lives. If this hadn't reached this great, giving institution then other sinners would have heard of it first and the church would not have the upper hand.

With All of this in mind, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to consider this great opportunity, Butter.


Created with images by kboyd - "butter bread knife" • ponce_photography - "breakfast butter sprouted bread" • cogdogblog - "Crossed at Bread Time" • Calgary Reviews - "Le Beaujolais - Bread and Butter Appetizers"

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