OBSERVER PICTURES short films - podcasts - creative endeavors



Working as an editor, writer, and teacher, I have been helping people tell their stories for over a decade. Even though I never stopped writing, I haven't made my own films since I completed my thesis. In 2015, I decided it was time to get back in the director's chair. And now you just can't kick me out of it!

Watching a project come together is one of my favorite things in the world. It's a lot of stress and lots of hard work, but the payoff is incredible.


Register (2015)

REGISTER is based upon a poem I wrote nearly 20 years ago. It's an exploration of anger and frustration.

The budget was tiny. The shooting schedule was completely dictated by any free time I could make resulting in a filming schedule that spanned five months. Each month was a new location (with one location shot without me in Orange County, California). Also, because of the crazy schedule, I couldn't always have the same crew. Six different cinematographers shot each location, and I think it adds to the imagery. Different people. Different places. Different tones. Yet they're all experiencing the same type of emotions.

Register premiered at The Nashville Film Festival in April 2016.

For full credits, visit IMDb.

Lunch with Parents (2016)

LUNCH WITH PARENTS was originally intended to be a high comedy. But once I started working with the actors, I realized that there was definitely some drama in this script.

While REGISTER was pretty much a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants shoot, LUNCH involved far more planning. The restaurant scenes were all shot in one day. It was a long, long day, but at the end of it, I realized more than I ever have before that I love this filmmaking thing. Long days like those can drain your mind and your body, but when you still love what you're doing the next day, you keep on doing it.

Full credits will soon be available on IMDb.

Boom (2017)

The project is currently in the works and a completely different kind of endeavor for Observer Pictures.

BOOM is a murder mystery with a dash of romance. Porter, a computer technician, must come to terms with the murder of his best friend Genevieve. A year later, when he believes the wounds have healed, the murderer strikes again.

Check back for more information. In the meantime, be sure to check out Observer Pictures on Twitter and Instagram!

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