Iguazú National park a unesco world heritage site

!! the awesome waterfall from iguazú national park !!

Here in this place is the largest waterfalls and there is also a great variety of animals, plants that in other places there is. Is one of the most impressive places because there are many waterfalls together, which form a half circle of water to the seas and rivers, one of them is the Amazon.

This is one of the animals from Iguazú National Park

This is one of the most impressive places because of the large amount of water and the great amount of species that this place has. this is a amazing place where you can do a lot things like camping, see the nature and other things.

When you arrive at this place, you will not want to go home if you do not like mosquitoes if you are going to want to return but it does not matter much. This place is exciting with all nature, wildlife, and many things to visit and do in that place that would really be wonderful to be visited by all people. Is a unique place in the world because only in that place are a set of waterfalls forming a circle that is amazing, you need to visit it.

Created By
Jose Maria Aguilar Leon


Created with images by Leandro's World Tour - "Boat ride in the cataratas" • marissa_strniste - "Azul Butterfly"

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