Cal Ripken Jr. By hannah wood

Cal Ripken Jr. was born in Maryland and played baseball throughout high school. During his senior year, Ripken again had a strong season, lifting his batting average to .688 at one point and posting a 0.79 ERA with 45 strikeouts over his first 26 innings. In the playoffs, Ripken pitched the state championship game against Thomas Stone High School. He began to get noticed by colleges and professionals, which started his career in becoming a professional baseball player.

He demonstrates the trait of responsibility because he takes control of his actions and his fate and always has a positive attitude. He also establishes a vision as he sets a goal in his baseball career and goes to reach the goal. He also set priorities which allowed him to become a leader in his baseball career. He had the mindset of think-win because he stayed confident and always believed that he could win. He also did the listen first, then discuss approach as he communicated with others and did not make decisions right away. Also he had teamwork because he needed his team in order to be successful. Finally he demonstrated self-renewal because he treated his body right and stayed in good physical and mental shape.

I believe that Cal Ripken Jr. was a very good leader because he demonstrated the seven traits of a good leader. He was always there for his team and made good decisions regarding his actions and career. He never allowed the negative situations to bring him down.


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