New Mexico Anthony aguirre

Flower------------- yucca

state hood --------1/6/1912

capital------Santa fe

nickname-------Land of Enchantment

bird------Bird-----Greater roadrunner

bordering states--------Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Utah,


Population------2.086 million

Historical sites--------1943-45 Manhattan Project

The United States Army builds Los Alamo Scientific Laboratory, part of the Manhattan Project, a top-secret project to develop atomic weapons. Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer leads successful development of devices deployed against Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, on 6 and 9 August 1945.

topography-------Eastern third, Great Plains; central third, Rocky Mountains; western third, high plateau. 85% of the state is over 4000 feet in elevation.

New Mexico is a good place to visit,because it has mountains and its hot most of the times.If you want to visit a state visit New you should visit New Mexico

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