December Musing Engaged Parnership

Engaging our Partnership for Mission as the Year Concludes

"More than one-third of all charitable donations take place during the last three months of the year." -Kristin Orman, the Oxford Club

Alliance Churches distinguish themselves by their unabashed enthusiasm for taking the Christmas message of the Savior's birth to every tribe and people on the planet. Having received the gospel from others- we must do what we can to "pass it forward" to the next generation, the next neighbor, the next town, the next unreached people group.

This is a 24/7/365 commitment that we refuse to set aside for a more "convenient" day. Our abiding value is that "lost people matter to God" and we look for ways to express this value. As we approach the end of the year, Alliance churches across the South Atlantic District are participating in the "Together We Can Do More" year end offering campaign benefitting International C&MA missions. You have received a packet of information and a video to use in mobilizing your church family to participate.

I urge you to find a way to incorporate this information into your December celebrations. It is not "one more appeal." It is an opportunity to act tangibly as a community of congregations to gift this Gospel to others. What is a better way to celebrate the Christmas story with your congregational family.

As your Superintendent, I urge all our congregations to include this emphasis. Let's together express another of our values - generosity! I look forward to seeing how the alliance -South Atlantic District, responds to the opportunity before us.

Merry Christmas -from your Ministry Center Staff.

Mick and the District Ministry Team

Are you or is your church taking a short-term mission trip this coming year?

Many churches in our District would have members who would like to be a part of a short-term trip but do not have enough people for a full team. If you are willing to include them with your trip or publicize your trip for prayer please email the District Mission Mobilizer at

Have you identified a Church Mission Mobilizer?

If you haven't or have not communicated that with our District Mission Mobilizer, please do at (we also have an example job description to help!)

Peacemaker Ministries

There will a peacemaking seminar at Westside Chapel in Greensboro on February 17-18. The seminar will start at 7:00 pm on Friday and conclude at 3:00 on Saturday. The cost will be $10.00, with lunch provided on Saturday. Pastors and lay leaders are encouraged to attend. More details will follow. You can also read the Peacemaker brochure that will provide general information about the ministry.


Is there a ministry leader in your church for the age grouping 20-30's? Would you like to have assistance in reaching this grouping?

If YES, I would like to hear from you AND would ask (ASAP) for a name and email address of a person in your church to contact. I would request your sending contact information to me at by DECEMBER 7TH. With my deepest thanks, Janice Kropp, GCW director

Attention: All GCWomen information for the retreat will be delivered electronically. Look for it in your email.

Winter Blast.

Your students are free to register for Winter Blast. They can register here. You can download a schedule and get more information here.


Created with images by mccun934 - "Up Go the Lights III"

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