Illuminate Project

  • I’m going to be exploring the transformative properties of projection light/image.
  • This will be done considering how light reveals an underlying reality that can change the perception of our space.
  • This is connected to exploring other worlds, which are not constrained by the framing of the screen by allowing the imagery be made present in an embodied space it will allow the audience to explore this medium.

The Context

Embodiment is understood through a series of lived social experiences in relation to familiarity and physicality of the world. A new experience adds to, builds upon, expands or re-interpreted understanding in connection to objects that changes how you encounter the world

Shining a touch in a mundane, essential and prehistoric action that our ancestors millions of years before would have experienced. The project aims to expand and utilise this learnt knowledge in order to re think the physical interaction of shining light. The emergence of imagery will re form the meaning of light and reality.

Raspberry Pi Zero & openFrameworks

Interactive content

Working on a ArUco detection system which could place content using a camera specifically on the walls using makers to locate the surfaces .

This would make it far more immersive if the video stick to surface and areas within the outlined room.

What is the hidden underworld

The hidden world will be a physical natural reality of plants and nature scenery which, we feel familiar to. This reality will distort and interact through movement, image and sound.

Sound is critical

As you can see from the test video the element of sound will be critical in the work. The projector being used within the project has a speaker inbuilt which could be taken advantage of in order to add to the immersive nature of the experience.


Im planning to collaborate on a few things for the project namely the photography and imagery used within the piece. The current content is stock stage however I would like to collaborate on a more direct storyline with my peers and plan a journey of images which they can create.

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