Advanced Photography Final By: COURTLAND STRIZICH

The picture on the left side is the before picture and the picture on the right is the picture with all the edits, I used Lightroom to edit this image of the two bears playing play station 4. The only editing tool that I used was the cropping tool to make the image smaller. I didn't think the image needed any other editing. The two lighting techniques I used were flash from my phone and a lamp.
The image on the left is the before picture and the image on the right is the picture after all of the editing, for editing I used the cropping tool and I lowered the Exposure, I cropped the image so the two bears would be in the center of the image, I lowered the exposure level so the controller lights would standout more, because the two bears were very bright. I used flash and a lamp for lighting for these pictures.
The image on the left is the before and the image on the right is the after picture. The editing tools that I used in this image is cropping, exposure. I didnt like that alot of the bed was showing so I cropped all off the back out of the image, and for exposure I lowered it so that the play station controller lights would pop more in the image. The only thing I wish I did better was cut the string off the pink bears foot because it really stands out and I dont like it.
Image on the left is the before image and the image on the right is the after image, For editing I only lowered the exposure meter, I did that so the play station 4 controllers would pop out in the image, I also cropped the top down just a bit so the bears would completely fit the image.

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