Jameson Bash JUST A DUDE

The state of the world in 1994 was a very different scene then it is now. First off, Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, and Forrest Gump were all top movie hits for the year. Kurt Cobain committed suicide, OJ was arrested, Israel and Palestine reached a peace agreement, and Go for Gin won the Kentucky Derby. People were still using pagers and VCR’s. And finally, I was born to Craig and Margaret Bash on July 6th in the Bethesda Naval Medical Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. I was the third of four children, following Nic and Chris and before Sarah.

I was born a healthy baby, but had trouble breathing. I was therefore placed in an incubator for a few days and then released home. Shortly after I came home, I decided that air was overrated and decided not to use it. Turning blue as a blueberry, my mother sent me back to the hospital for a few days.

Family history: My father was born and raised in Northern California and my mother was raised in Maine. My dad came from a big military family, where his father and all of his brothers were in the Air Force. Our family has collected various medals and awards from their time in service which we all treasure today.

My mother has roots in Maine reaching back to the 1660’s, and she always contemplates moving back to these small-town roots. My parents actually married each other in one of the most famous architectural symbols of Maine: a lighthouse. The Pemaquid Point Lighthouse shown here to be exact. To add to this fun fact, my mom actually wore black on her wedding day

Growing up in the D.C. area offers a unique outlook on the world. National museums, monuments, and the political environment presents a tangible feel to both history and current events. I was lucky enough to go to high school in the city and I often reflect on my time there as shaping who I want to be. I specifically identify with the schools motto of: "Men for Others".

I have alway grown up in a community of service. The high school I attended had a soup kitchen on campus that we were invited to work at. I did so periodically throughout high school and when I am home on breaks. I have also helped at the D.C. kitchen, another larger, D.C.-based soup kitchen. Service is an infrequent endeavor for me, but I enjoy my time doing it.

Sports were a big part of my time at Gonzaga. Lacrosse was the sport that I was most passionate about. One of my most cherished memories from the sport was winning championships in both 2012 and 2013. This may seem trivial, but out of the three boys in my family -- all of whom played lacrosse for the same high school -- I was the only one to have won a ring. Being apart of a team, let alone a successful one, was a priceless experience for me that I will never forget.

I really enjoy the pursuit of excellence in sports, hobbies, or other aspects of life. When I really set my mind to it I can accomplish a lot. Surfing is a good example of this for me. I picked up surfing when I was a sophomore in college. It has been very challenging and something that constantly kicks my butt. However, I have found joy in the small accomplishments. I am slowly improving and It has become much more fun for me. Developing a deep understanding and appreciation of the ocean has an unexpected outcome that I enjoy. Surfing is a unique activity in that if you are not completely focused on what's presently happening, then you miss what is going on all around you, which I have found to be a valuable lesson for life as well.

Live passionately
“If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over?”― John Wooden
Break a record everyday. Do something a little better each day
An experience that I hold near and dear to me is my time studying abroad in New Zealand. This was the first time I travelled somewhere internationally completely by myself. I met some incredible people from both USD and from the country itself during my time there whom I am still in close contact with today. I hitchhiked for my first time there and experienced unbelievable things such as bungee jumping. I even learned how to use crampons and an ice pick to get up a mountain.


In three years I would like to be living in San Diego working for a company centered on sustainability. I would also be applying to Grad School and ideally working on a start-up of my own.

  • Live in another country for a year or two.
  • Own my own business.
  • Leave legacy on the sustainable energy, finite resources, and the environment.
  • Have the flexibility to coach and travel.
  • Provide for myself and my family
Live Simply
Thank you


Created with images by elizadean - "blue blueberry delicious" • Teddy Mafia - "CRW_4255_RJ" • J McSporran - "Washington Monument" • Dave~O - "Blue Pools" • Flying Kiwi Tours - "Blue pool, New Zealand"

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