Agriculture by: Alex Chan

Neolithic Revolution

This was the first Agricultural Revolution which was in 8000 BCE. In this revolution, people had discovered how to farm and they could store their food. They had also discovered that their food sources became more reliable, and they are able to settle down and establish permanent settlements near their food.

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution started in the 1600s in Western Europe and Spread to North America in the 1800s. New methods that formed were crop rotations, and better horse collars. This revolution was the start of technology taking over farms. Examples such as combines and pesticides.

One of the many tech to use for farming

Green Revolution

The Green Revolution began in the 1940s and 1950s and was really implemented in the 1970s and 1980s and new strains of fertilizer and hybrid seeds were invented and dramatically increased crop output.

Fertilizer is used to help plants grow faster.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)

A GMO is when a gene from one organism is purposely moved to improve or change another organism. The pros are that some plants are improved in many ways, such as immunity to insects, heat, cold, and drought. Some cons are allergies, cancer, and antibiotic resistance. Farmers can produce more crops efficiently.

Different types of farming

Subsistence Agriculture is when people grow food just to survive. Sustainable agriculture is the production of food, or other plant or animal products using farming techniques that protect the environment, public health, human communities, and animal welfare. And Commercial farming is when you grow crops just to sell them on the market.

Fun Facts

In 2006, the average American farmer grew enough food for 144 other people. In 1940, the average farmer grew food for 19 other people. More than 100 agricultural crops in the U.S. are pollinated by bees. In fact, one out of three bites of food people eat is thanks to honeybees. Bees contribute to more than $15 billion worth of crops every year through pollination. Fruit farming began sometime between 6000 and 3000 B.C. Figs were one of the first cultivated fruit crops.


Created with images by onefox - "chicks spring chicken" • tpsdave - "tractor grain mixer rural" • maxmann - "combine harvester tractor harvest" • Jing - "soil hand farm"

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