
Schools who give their parents online tools to use for their fundraiser raise, on average, 3x MORE than fundraising through traditional methods.

Parents are eager to help your school succeed. They just need the tools to help make it happen.

Why parents love using our online system:

By taking your fundraising online, you are making it easier for parents and supporters of your school to donate with a click of a button. Not everyone will be able to physically hand over a check or send in an envelope of cash - but almost everyone has access to a computer or mobile device. Our online donation process is easy for donors to use and accepts most major credit card donations from anywhere in the world. Our clients have seen a 50% increase in donations as compared to not having an online option in the past.

We go a step further for you, TGMC also helps you keep track and accept in-school (cash and check) donations that are merged into online reports for the most up-to-date and accurate donation data.

Using our online system, you put the power in your parents hands by giving them tools they can use to help your school succeed. One of the most important tools is the Student Fundraising Web Page.

Parents and students can easily create their own custom, secure fundraising web page that features their picture (not required), personal message for friends and family who want to support them, progress, messages from people who have donated, and easy access to classroom & school fundraising progress. From the SWP, parents can rally fundraising support by sharing their page through email and social media. As online and in-school donations come in, students can see their goal progress and watch their pledge meter blast to the top (earning them the reward of Pledge Superstar!).

Student fundraising web pages are customizable - if a student has reached or is getting close to reaching, their donation goal, parents are able to raise it (increases the chances to bring in more donations so supporters understand they are still helping the student succeed).

Mobile-Friendly Parent Portal & Easy-to-Use Online System

Parents easily login into their parent dashboard to enroll their child, set up their student fundraising web page, & edit/raise their child's donation goals.

Parents can even create a shortcut to bypass their parent login and go straight to their student profile right on their smart phones. No need to login every time, just follow these easy instructions.

  • Android User: Login to your parent profile, click the name of your student then click the 3 stacked dots in the upper right corner, select “Add to Home Screen” that will prompt you to name the page for which (The Get Movin’ Crew is the default name), change the name to your child’s name, click “Add” and the webpage shortcut will appear on your phones home page as a grey square icon of your home screen with your child’s name under it.
  • iPhone User: Login to your parent profile, click the name of your child/student then click the upload symbol upload.png. Select “Add to Ho me Screen”, that will prompt you to name the page (The Get Movin’ Crew is the default name), change the name to your child’s name. Click “Add” and the webpage shortcut will appear on your phones home page.

This is the key to success! Once the student is registered, parents can easily share their web page using the Share Tools (buttons on the SWP) provided to send e-mails to friends and family worldwide or to share the web page on any social media platform. Parents that use the Share Tools to promote their child's webpage, help their child raise an average of $150.00+ as opposed to students that do not have a SWP.

The average parent who sends out 5 emails raises $100 within 24 hours. If that same parent also posts their student's SWP on Facebook, they raise another $100!

Breaking down your overall fundraising goal into smaller classroom goals will help you raise more! Plus, it will promote teamwork & encourage your parents to get more involved by promoting healthy competition - raising schools an average of 20% more! With classroom web pages, teachers & parents can check the progress with students & strategize with their class on how they can reach their goal!​​

How Classroom Web Pages Work:

  • Every classroom has its own web page, complete with a classroom goal & a pledge meter that fills up as donations come in.
  • Classroom web pages are accessible to every parent directly from their student's fundraising page by clicking on the "Classroom Progress" button.
  • Plus, there are share tools on the web page that teachers/room moms can use to share with parents during the pledge period! Note that classroom web pages do not single out individual students. It's simply an overall reflection of how the class is doing as they work toward their goal.
All student web pages are 100% mobile compliant and sharable.

Want to get a behind-the-scenes look at our online tools?


Created with images by William Iven - "woman holding an iphone" • Rayi Christian Wicaksono - "computer and teacup in an office" • rawpixel - "untitled image"

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