Ellutopia ella saxton

Where your voice is heard

We believe in a world where everyone's ideas are heard. Everyone is treated equally. Nobody gets paid for doing their job, instead you just get whatever you need to live comfortably in return for working. Everyone gets along peacefully. Every week everybody writes down ideas and suggestions to change and improve the community. We have a committee that goes through the ideas. The community is always trying new and fun things. They take the citizens feedback and keep good things and dispose of the unpopular changes. This way the community is constantly improving and problems vanish.

The Ellutopia Seal

Membership Requirements

  • No currency; everyone does their job and contributes to the community for free
  • In return for doing your job, you get any supplies and food you need to live comfortably
  • Every week people submit ideas for what to change and add in the community
  • Our council is constantly taking in ideas and coming up with compromises to help improve Ellutopia
  • Everyone gets privacy in their homes
  • No killing
  • No stealing
  • No fighting or wars, if you have conflict with anything or anyone submit it to the council. If you proceed to not get along you will have to leave the community.

Located in Oregon

Our government is our council of 15 people that change and improve the community. They are elected by the people of the Ellutopia and there is a leader who has a final say. They read everyone's ideas once every two weeks, and come out with a new list of changes every month.

People in our community are proven to be more happy, less stressed, and overall enjoy life more. Everyone matters and your voice will be heard. We will gladly welcome you into Ellutopia.


Created with images by jniittymaa0 - "light bulb light halogen" • elvengal - "lake mountain oregon" • tpsdave - "oregon wood river marsh water"

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