Cat Toys By: Jessie adams

Artist Statement

I chose cat toys because I like cats and I like playing with cats. Many people like cats which is also why I chose this topic. Cats are cool and amazing and they sometimes make you laugh. I have two cats and they always make me laugh and I wanted to put them in my final project because they are awesome cats. Now let me show you how awesome my cats are.

What this art and book means to me is to show you that all animals are awesome and cute when they are playing. Also I love my cats and I want to show how much I love them. My cats have also helped me when I am feeling sad and so I cuddle with them or play with them to make me feel better. Some people probably feel the same way about their pets and that is OK. I wanted to thank my cats for helping me feel better when I am sad so I decided to put them in my final project. What I want people to get out of my work is I want them to laugh when they look at the pictures and have fun looking at my pictures. No matter what pet you have they can always make you feel better and make you laugh.

Fill the Frame
Leading Line/ Vertical Line
Black and White/Implied Line
Framing Device
Small Scale
Curved Line
Rule of Thirds
Texture/ Side - Lighting


My name is Jessie Adams and I was born on August 23rd 2000 in Vancouver WA. I am in 9th grade and I go to Henrietta Lacks & Bioscience High School and I’m 16 years old. Currently I am taking photography and I am liking it. It has taught me that even if you are not good at photography you can still try and you will see that you are not that bad photography. I have been getting better each time. Some of my interests are swimming, riding horses on Fridays, drawing, and hanging out with my friends. Anyone can take photography all you have to do is keep practicing and you will get better.

I haven’t lived in many places in the United States. I have just lived in Vancouver Washington. My family and I do travel. We traveled to Spain, and New Orleans. My mother and father went to Italy and they said Italy was beautiful and amazing. Some day we might all go to Italy as a family. My Father travels around the world and makes Oreo's and sometimes he brings some back for us which is awesome. My mother works at St. Joseph Catholic School which I went to before I came here. My Mother and Father have influenced my life by making me the person I am today which means I am strong, intelligent, and I do the right thing because of them. My Mother and Father are the best parents because they make me feel better when I am sad. I would never give up my parents for anything.

My experience in photography class has been very cool, fun, And educational. It has taught me that anyone can take photography class and make beautiful pictures. In the future I want to be a veterinarian or a career that has to do with animals because I love animals and every animal is amazing in their own way. I want to learn more about animals and I want to help animals that are sick or hurt in some way. I don’t know what classes I want to take in the future, but I will figure it out.


Created with images by Muffet - "cat with toy"

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