Sing a new song to the LORD, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power! -Psalm 98:1 | NLT


What better way to celebrate the new year than an attitude of gratitude. We want to thank God for all the wonderful deeds He has done last year! Whatever kind of year we went through, smooth-sailing or a bumpy one, we still have so many reasons to be grateful to God for. We know that in every season, He is good, He is faithful.

Like in our personal lives, time and again God has shown Himself faithful in our campus ministry in so many ways.

One of our highlights last 2016 was the expansion God has brought in our campus ministry. For quite some time, we have been reaching out to the students from these four campuses in Los Baños:

  • UP Los Baños (UPLB)
  • Christian School International (CSI)
  • UP Rural High School (UPRHS)
  • Los Baños National High School (LBNHS)

What's even more amazing is that just last year, God opened the doors of three additional campuses for us to make Jesus known.

  • Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU)
  • Maquiling School International (MSI)
  • Joy in Learning (JIL)

At present, we have the privilege to make an impact to the lives of students from seven different campuses in Los Baños!

This means that more young people will have the opportunity to know and encounter the great love of God for them that will turn their lives right side up.

This would not be possible without you investing in the next generation. Thank you for continuously running this race with us. Thank you for your dedication to reach every student in every campus here in Los Baños.

Please continue to pray that more students will know God and encounter Him this year.

We are excited to change the campus and change the world with you again this 2017!

Changing the campus and the world with you,


Campus Missionary

+63 (917) 889.8624


5f Vega Center, Lopez Avenue,

Los Baños, Laguna,

Philippines 4030

+63 (49) 536.8201

Created By
Jen Mula


Created with images by felix_merler - "sunrise atmosphere sunrise sunrise clouds" • felix_merler - "sunrise atmosphere sunrise sunrise clouds"

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