What bring us together as Sacred Heart Schools Our Profile Page

This is our group: Imogen, Molly, Rose, Amelia, Alyssa

  • Our group worked really well together and where able to complete the tasks sufficiently making sure that everything was exactly how we wanted it. We combined each others ideas together to create great work made sure we listened to each other. Using these skills we all finished being happy and proud of our end result.
  • Amelia: My role in this group was to create the Adobe Spark Website and doing some of the photography for the documentary. I decided to do the website because I had done it before and had a reasonable idea of what to do for it. I thought that this activity was really exciting and thoroughly enjoyed doing PBL with my group. I learnt a lot about Kincoppal's history and how the Sacred Heart Schools work together.
  • Imogen: I really enjoyed filming the documentary, it was a lot of fun and it allowed me to be creative and have some fun. We all worked really well together as a group and we cooperated really well and worked as a team. Working on the storyboard was also really exciting because we got to experiment with all of the different places we were filming and how we were going to film it. I have enjoyed project based learning because I have learnt so much about our school's history and I have interacted with people that I have not been in a group with.
  • Molly: I really enjoyed making the documentary because it gave me a chance to see what the teachers thought of our question and how they interpreted it. It was also a lot of fun going around the school and filming different parts of it. I learnt a lot about the similarities of the different schools and I will retain this information for a long time I hope. I also learnt a lot about InDesign and enjoyed working on it and making the many mistakes that I made that helped me learn more about it. All in all, PBL has been an amazing experience.
  • Alyssa: My favourite part of PBL was interviewing different teachers because I learnt new things and I was able to see different perspectives of our question. I enjoyed PBL because I never knew how many similarities we have between our school and other sacred heart schools. Our team worked well together because we listened to each other and we all inputted our ideas. With our documentary we were given a lot of freedom to create whatever we wanted, wherever we wanted. Overall, PBL was a great learning experience and I thought it was a great way to learn more about our school’s history.
  • Rose: I enjoyed making the poster and learning many more skills to use in art. I have also enjoyed going around the school and interviewing the teachers to see what their interpretation of our question was. I learnt a lot about all the sacred heart schools around the world and what the differences and similarities.Overall, PBL was a fun experience and I learnt about the school’s history.

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