Drought Update Hold your course!

From one deluge to another seems to be our status quo this winter. Water luxuriates in our soggy lawns, floating mulch and soggy shoes. It is very tempting to agree that the drought is over and crank up the irrigation again. Caution! Our drought in Southern California is not over yet -- especially if you live in Ventura or Santa Barbara Counties. According to the USDA and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), all of coastal Southern California remains in Severe or Extreme Drought: http://www.californiadrought.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/dm01242017.png.

All of coastal Southern California remains in Severe or Extreme Drought

Why is this? Though we have gotten considerable rain this year, we were way, way behind. Our below ground water tables were extremely depleted by the drought, and many reservoirs have not been completely filled, even with all the rain this year. It might take three years of rain like we've had this year to catch up.

What does that mean for us? Hold. Your. Course. Continue with the water conservation policies that you've put in place for the last few years: water only as necessary, in the early morning or evening; choose drought tolerant and water conservative plants; if you're still thinking about changing out turf, do it this year! Ask your Account Manager or Business Development Executive for suggestions and proposals on how to drought proof your landscape.

Enjoy the rains while they last -- and let's hope they keep coming for all of our sakes!
Contact us today: info@landscapedevelopment.com or visit our site at www.landscapedevelopment.com

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