Lol...omg Chapter 8 A webcam,twitter, and a Tragedy


This chapter is about how invasion of privacy is wrong and can have serious repercussions. A new student at Rutgers University was excited to start his freshman year in college. He finds out his roommate is gay he is not homophobic or closed minded. One night when his roommate ask for the room for the night he tweeted this out. When he left the room he went to his friend's room and turned his webcam on and say his roommate making out with a guy. This turned into a big issue. In the end he received 30 days in jail, 3 years probation, 300 hours of community service, and a 10,000$ bail. This story is an example about how precious privacy is and how we should respect others. Before you invade someone's privacy ask yourself how would this feel. My favorite quote from this chapter is "Is understanding how the choices you make in the digital world may affect others is every bit as important as understanding how these choices affect you. My opinion of this chapter is we need to understand how valuable privacy is we should not share things that aren't ours to share. In my opinion it was wrong to share the videos. I don't care if he was homophobic or not it's not proper.

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