republic of america 2.0 The #1 rule is, there are no rules! (well, just a few)

As we have failed in our last america, we have needed to create a new america in where it is almost the same, but smaller, and there are few rules and regulations compared to the old america. Here, there is one large city, the capital. There are three towns. One in the north, one the south and one in the center. Center city is the capital. The other cities are small towns, where you can freely hunt and fish. We are only accepting 10,000 people so if you want to join, then hurry. We have a few rules, including a legal system and law enforcement.


1. 2nd ammendment steelers fans 3. play sports till you are 12 4. 6th ammendment. 5.7th ammendment, 6. 4th ammendment 7. no homicide. 8. no steeling.


Created with images by tpsdave - "glacier national park montana panorama"

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