The Marvelous Maldives START packing, we are going on an adventure!

Welcome to the Maldives! A place where the smiles are white like the sand, where the weather doesn't seem realistic, and where the Sun's rays wait to bake you.

The Maldives has a variety of things for everyone to do! For example, long walks on the soft, sandy beach, playing beach volleyball, snorkeling, or scuba diving! However, those are just a few of the many things you can do while visiting the Maldives!

A flight to the Maldives is put together with few different flights to reach the final destination: the Maldives! A flight out of Evansville, Indiana, would cost $1,500. To reach the destination, you would have to make two stops and it would take about 46 hours and 5 minutes.

Created By
Courtney Dick


Created with images by wanthai - "maldives pool sea" • Csehokel - "four seasons kuda huraa maldives" • Pexels - "blue water divers equipments" • webandi - "network beach volleyball volleyball"

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