Obama's Accomplishments as President.

Obama being elected for president was probably his greatest achievement, not only because he won the election, but because he was the first African American president in the United States to ever be elected into presidency.

The first inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In 2009 Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy.

Obama accepting his prize.

When the economy collapsed eight years ago it was nicknamed "The Great Recession"

Obama brought the U.S. Right out of The Great Recession, cutting unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7%.

In 2009 Obama signed the American Recovery And Reinvestment Act.

The recovery act cut taxes and saved millions of jobs

The Affordable Care Act also nicknamed "ObamaCare" is a very controversial form of health insurance.

Although ObamaCare is frowned upon by many Republicans, it has given more than 20 million People the opportunity to obtain Health Insurance.

The war in Iraq started it's path to the end in 2007 when Obama decided to start withdrawing troops from Iraq. In the summer of 2010 Obama partially removed the last of the soldiers.

December 15, 2011. An American military ceremony was held in Baghdad putting an official end to an almost 9 year war.

In September of 2011 the CIA informed president Obama that Bin Laden was suspected of living in the Abbottabad.

Osama's compound

On April 29, 2011 Obama gave the order to raid bin Laden's compound in Pakistan.

Obama and the national security team gathered in the White House watching the progress of the raid that successfully killed Bin Laden.

Throughout his two terms Obama commuted the sentence of nearly 1200 drug offenders.

Obama commuted the sentences of the inmates because the punishment was "unjust and outdated".

Obama helped put the US on track for energy independence by 2020.

Big step for the US considering how bad the environment currently is.

Obama and Raul Castro reversed over 60 years of tension between the U.S. And Cuba by restoring diplomatic ties.

In 2013 Obama urged states to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. There have been over 15 states that have agreed.

Photo from Huffington post that shows Obama fighting for higher minimum wage.

Obama helped the process of legalizing same sex marriage nationwide.

Lgbt members of the armed forces no longer have to hide who they are.

Obama also repealed the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law.

Despite Obama's foe Trump being elected as President, Obama stayed optimistic and ensured the people of the United States that the sun will always rise and the Unites States will still be "The Greatest Nation In The World".


Created with images by rubel roy's photography - "Barak Obama"

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