The triangle fire By: destiny españa

146 dead and 71 injured out of 500 workers who died from the fire, smoke inhalation, or falling or jumping to their deaths. Most of the victims were recent Jewish and Italian immigrant women aged 16 to 23 . The horror of their deaths led to numerous changes in occupational safety standards that currently ensure the safety of workers today.most of the victims died as a result of neglected safety features and locked doors within the factory building. The tragedy brought widespread attention to the dangerous sweatshop conditions of factories, and led to the development of a series of laws and regulations that better protected the safety of workers.

Frances Perkins:

Frances Perkins

Frances Perkins was born Fannie Coralie Perkins in Boston in 1880, In 1993 president Franklin rosevelt named Frances Perkins secertary of labor. Frances and other social reformers dedicated their lives to in sure that workers thought the country stay safe while working . Asa a result of the fire million of people have came to help the UNITED STATES. 36 labor laws were passed , working conditions improved.the successful ledislative impulse following the triangle fire can best be understood in the context of the progression.

Frances Perkins was having tea with friends at Margaret Morgan Norrie’s home on Washington Square on Saturday afternoon, March 25, 1911, one hundred years ago this very hour. The clang of fire trucks interrupted their conversation and they hurried across the Square to discover the cause. They reached the Asch Building, site of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company, in time to see young women, many on fire, jumping to their deaths. 146 human beings perished. Perkins’s friend, Will Irwin, later remarked that “What Frances Perkins saw that day started her on her career.

Frances Perkins was so interested in this situation because her work was getting involve in those situations, One of the Committee’s first actions was to seek a state commission to investigate and make legislative recommendations. The Factory Investigating Commission’s mandate was much broader than originally contemplated: to study not only fire safety, but other threats to the health and well-being of industrial workers and the impact of those threats upon families.


Created with images by Frantisek_Krejci - "the passage of the gate house"

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