Day of the Cross

This holiday is calibrated in Spain. It is calibrated by Christians and Catholics in Spring. This holiday is related to one other holiday they celibate that is very much similar to this one. This holiday is called Holly Week. They calibrate these holidays to commemorate Christ's crucifixion.
This holiday is celebrated with the Cross which is about 3m. and is always decorated with flowers. The Cross is put up at 9pm with music and dancing. The women dance in there gypsy dresses. They have amazing tapas, which is like a feast. They also serve fino sherry, which is a type of drink. Lights are everywhere. People hang lights like we do at Christmas time.
The holiday, Day of the Cross, is important to the culture because it's based on an old liturgical feast celebrating the discovery of the true cross of Christ by St. Helen on May 3, 326 A.D. This is also a major holiday. Other cultures/nations celebrate this holiday as well. We here in the US also celebrate a holiday similar to the one they do in Spain. The holiday We celebrate here is Christmas. They celebrate there holiday a little different than we do. They have this monumental Cross they put up that is decorated with flowers. We don't do that. But instead, we have a Christmas Tree. Our two holidays do have some similarities.We both hang Christmas lights and Christmas decorations.

McKay, Susan. Festivals of the World Spain. Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens, 1999. Print.


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