Che Guevara By: Keith Joerger

Basic Information

Born: June 14 1928, Died: 9 1967

Ernesto Guevara de la serna was his full name and was the oldest of five children.

Che Guevara was a very important and famous communist figure in the country of Cuba during their revolution in 1956-1959.

Che Joined the Castro Brothers on the 26th pf July 1956 to overthrow the dictator of Cuba which gained him many supporters and fame.

Power and Authority

Che Guevara would fall into this world history theme because Guevara was a famous Cuban leader and helped lead the Cuban revolution. Was a Guerrilla warfare leader and a communist.


Many on the political right condemned him as brutal, cruel, murderous, and all willing to employ violence to reach revolutionary ends. "The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe, you have to make it fall." -Che Guevara

Works consulted:


Created with images by Podknox - "Che Guevara 1962 Andy Warhol Poster" • gabrielmbulla - "flag cuba sky" • WikiImages - "che guevara rebel portrait"

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