Social Impacts of IT Written by efe eser


We spend a lot of time on computers nowdays. IT has changed and improved a lot year by year. Things are computer based now unlike the previous years. We are using IT nearly in everything, from shopping to reading books.


These impacts have changed our life-style. Before I used to go to shopping malls when I need something but now I just search it from the internet and buy what I want. That affects the local shops badly because they got less customers walking in and they can run out of bussines. Another good affect of economic impacts is delivery companies are improved a lot.


Pirate copys of music CD's, DVD'S, books, etc. are non-legal. For exampe a books pirate affects the publishers, the company who sells the book but it mostly it affects the writer because if the writer can't get any money from his book he can't write his next books.

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