Arctic Apples: A GMO Story Produced by: Trevor Konty

The new enhanced apples are resistant to abuse and don't brown when the apple cells are broken. This makes apples much more appealing after you've thrown one against a wall. None of this development would have happened without the hard work of Dr. John Armstrong.


When scientists wanted an apple that didn't brown they removed polyphenol oxidase (PPO) so that the browning process never occurs.

With all the PPO removed from the apples, scientists were able to make an orchard out of apples that don't bruise.

The PPO was the chemical causing the browning because when the apple cell split it would combine with enzymes and make brown melonine.

Now with the new advancements in apple biotechnology, you can attempt to bruise your apple all you want.


Apple Pros

  • The apples no longer brown
  • It is easy to produce and transport apples because you no longer have to worry about bruising them
  • There was also the regular pesticide resistances, but every GMO has that.

Apple Cons

  • We don't know the long term health effects.
  • The PPO reduced in the modifying process is known to have beneficial effects to the heart.
  • The new artic apples don't have the same effect on reducing oxidation in the heart.

My Opinion

I personally think that GMO's are a great idea, the new genetically modified organisms are healthier for humans and cheaper to buy. arctic apples are a nice improvement, thanks to the advancements of science you can now attempt to bruise or cut your apple and it won't brown. Overall I think GMO's are great and we should make more of them.

Created By
Trevor Konty


Created with images by d_pham - "Apple" • Desertrose7 - "apples fruit red" • cocoparisienne - "apple fruit fruits" • Kirinohana - "Camera Test Apple" • bizmac - "untitled image" • 955169 - "apple red fruit" • Apple and Pear Australia Ltd - "Pink lady apples" • Kapa65 - "apple fruit red" • Nick Saltmarsh - "Discovery apples" • Nick Saltmarsh - "Discovery apples"

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