Immigration By:Roman Castillo

My topic is Immigration. Immigration is people from another country that try to get inside of another country legal or illegally. People are being affected because they are getting deported back to their Countries where there is a lot of violence and gangs.

Immigration got affected because the law was singed by president Lyndon B. 50 years ago in October 3rd.

I think that in 50 years from now immigrants are going to have more opportunities because without immigrants The united states doesn’t function with them. The united states is going to appresiate them because who is going to clean Hotels, do construction, wash dishes at McDonalds.

I think that in 50 years from now immigrants are going to have more opportunities because without immigrants The united states doesn’t function with them. The united states is going to appresiate them because who is going to clean Hotels, do construction, wash dishes at McDonalds.

I think that in 50 years from now immigrants are going to have more opportunities because without immigrants The united states doesn’t function with them. The united states is going to appresiate them because who is going to clean Hotels, do construction, wash dishes at McDonalds.

i can help by doing protests to show that the immigrants need more rights.


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