For Native Americans Mascots SARITA cordova

I do think teams and schools should be allowed to use Native American mascots.

Native Americans should't feel offended because it's representing the people. According to the article " We Seminoles embrace the mascot, " says James Billie, the tribe's chairman. " They honor us." This quote supports my claim because some of the Native Americans feel honored and agree with having to represent a team or school.

Another reason why I support the fact that people use Native Americans as mascots is that the people in teams or schools are showing that they love their people.

The people should feel happy that they're representing a lot of people. From what I read in the article, " Our team name captures the best of who we are and who we can be, by staying true to our history and honoring the deep and enduring values our name represents." This quote supports my claim because some of the teams want to show who they are and want to be represented by the Native Americans.

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