Sleeping Are you sleep deprived?


How much sleep do we need?

Sleep cycle

*Before getting into sleep deprivation we need to understand what sleep is and how it works.*

The sleep cycle consists of different stages.

  1. First stage: Stage between wakefulness and sleep. In this stage our brains start producing alpha waves making us drowsy but still awake.
  2. Second stage: In this stage our brain produces theta waves which progressively get slower and slower while we reach the third stage.
  3. Third stage: Third stage is also known as delta sleep. During this stage our brain produces delta waves. The slower the delta wave the less aware we are of our surrounding.
  4. Fourth stage: This stage is very similar to stage three where our brain is producing delta waves
  5. REM: Also known as rapid eye movement. Our brain will be active and intense as if it were awake.

*The sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes and repeats itself on an average of 4-7 times a night.*

Sleep Deprivation

*Fun fact: Studies show that nearly 1/3 of adults are sleep deprived.*

11 signs that you are sleep deprived

Can you identify yourself?
  1. You're always hungry
  2. You've gained weight
  3. You're more impulsive
  4. Your memory's shot
  5. You're having trouble making decisions
  6. Your motor skills are off
  7. Your emotions are all over the place
  8. You get sick often
  9. You're having trouble seeing
  10. Your skin isn't looking good
  11. You think you've fallen asleep at the wheel

*For more detailed information go to*


If you feel sleep deprived a 15-20 minute day time nap can help you in many ways. It helps by resetting the system and increasing motor performance. Preferably a long night sleep would be better for you and your health.


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