Waymo's fully self-driving technology handles all aspects of driving so you can go from door to door without laying a finger on the wheel.

These vehicles have sensors and software that are designed to detect pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles, road work and more from a distance of up to two football fields away in all directions.

This new tech will deliver a huge impact on improving road safety and mobility for everyone.

In late May 2014, Google revealed a new prototype of its driverless car, which had no steering wheel, gas pedal, or brake pedal, being 100% autonomous.

Trials are beginning to take place around the United States, including California and Arizona as Google looks to increase its knowledge of the advanced technology.

These vehicles will be significant in the future because it will reduce road accidents and make vehicle travel time much quicker. These cars will be able to communicate with each other and use artificial intelligence to learn the patterns of the roads.


Created with images by dalbera - "La voiture sans chauffeur de Google (Salon Viva Technology, Paris)" • Photographing Travis - "Early Self-Driving Car" • cdorobek - "The Google self-driving car, which still drives better than most drivers ;-) (Not sure what is on top of it)" • Ka!zen - "Road" • donjd2 - "Google Self Driving Car @CHM" • Photographing Travis - "Spools" • gilipollastv - "Видел загон гугломашинок в Google Х."

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