Everybody is a GENIUS. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. ~Albert Einstein
Greetings from 4th grade! I'm so happy you have stopped by my page to learn a little bit about myself and get a glimpse into my classroom. I live in Holdrege with my husband, Mason, and our two dogs. I have two grown children and two grown step-children and SEVEN grandchildren. Life is busy and good! Loomis Elementary school has been my home since 2012 and I love it more every year. We take learning very seriously in 4th grade but we also structure our learning so that we incorporate movement, laughter, creativity, and technology everyday. As individuals we all possess different strengths and we use these strengths to our fullest advantage and share our knowledge with others around us.
Check out classroom pictures below!
2022-2023 Classroom Pictures
2021-2022 Classroom Pictures
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