Mindy Vargas bim


What dream can you conceive? Can you believe it? Can you achieve it?

My dream I believe I can conceive, believe and achieve is being at school every single day starting this semester. I conceive this because its been a plan I've been having in my head a goal that i want to master to be at school every single day. I believe this because I know if i make an effort to make it to school every single day I can make it. I will achieve this because this is my goal.


How do you decide if you like someone? How do you show interest in them?

I believe that you decide you like someone when ever you find yourself thinking very frequently about them or really enjoy being around them. You like there company very much and maybe like a lot of things about that person good or bad you like them all.


Have you ever passed on a kindness?

Yes i have passed on kindness before by opening the door for someone at a mall or grocery store and the person i opened the door for kept it going on and on. i feel that is a really nice gesture to do and i consider it as a kind action passed on.


Who is your biggest fan?

I think my biggest fan is my mom & dad because there always supporting my ideas & thoughts they also always whats the very best for me cheer me on for whenever i'm trying to achieve something new in my life. They always believe in me.


What do you love most about yourself? What do others love about you?

What i love the most about myself is the i am very confident about myself and don't ever put myself down. Always try to see the good and the bad in all my problems. I have big dreams for myself i don't let anyone limit my dreams. i think what others love about me is that i am a funny person & a good friend i try to help my true close friends in anything they need.

February 22, 2017

What do you wish you knew then that you know now?

I wish I knew how to work Microsoft Word and its cool effects and different things you can do on it, before I got older and now have a business and management class and had to learn it.

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