We were off to the capital of Kenya, when the engine failed. We crashed in the middle of no where, and we were the only survivors. We had no resources, and the nearest town was a long way away. We just had to rely on our knowledge and grow some food...

We choose to grow a popular tree in Africa called the Baobab Tree. It had many benefits that would help us now and in the future. The only problem was that it took up to 3 months to fully develop.

A Baobab Tree that we saw on our way here, before we crashed.
Another Baobab Tree that we noticed only a few miles away from where we crashed.

We found a seed in a dying Baobab tree and decided to plant it, knowing the following benefits. (Under the music)

Please turn the speed up to 1.5 on the music

Benefits of the Baobab Tree:

  • You can eat the outside bark
  • You can use the inside as shelter
  • You can eat the fruit and the pulp
  • You can cook the leaves in a soup
  • You can ground the seeds into flour
  • You can eat the root
  • The tree can live up to 1,200 years so it will be able to sustain us for a while.

When we had to wait for the tree to grow, we had to sustain ourselves. We gathered water by the lake, mashed together some plants, and if were were lucky, some meat, and made some soup. For the next three months, we were able to survive on soup! Yippee. : \

Baobab Tree Information:

  • Baobab tree seeds cost about $2.00.
  • Baobab trees require low maintenance.
  • They can grow up to 30 meters high.
  • They don't need much water, since they are already adaptable to the African environment.
  • They also don't require any fertilizer, so we could grow it in the Savannah.
  • The Baobab tree grows quickly every day, so we won't have to wait a very long time before we can start to use some of the resources to give us food.
  • The Baobab tree can support many people with food and shelter. A typical baobab tree can supply eight people with food.


  • The savanna biome is an area that has a very dry season and then a very wet season.
  • They are situated between a grassland and a forest
  • They can also overlap with other biomes.
  • There are savanna's located in Africa, South America, India, and Australia.
  • The savanna biome is rich with herbivores such as elephants, zebras, gazelles, and buffalo.
  • The savanna biome receives about 59 inches of rain. Majority of this occurs during the wet season.
  • The savanna climate has a temperature range of 68° to 86° F (20° - 30° C).

Maggie Michels

Maggie's Graph and Summary :)
Maggie's Summary

Iman Khan

Iman's Graph and Summary

PBL Summary

In the second nine weeks PBL project, we were mainly focused on gardening and finding the cheapest cost for planting a garden. In social studies, we learned about how in Africa, the food challenges, like not eating enough, not eating the right food, ect. In science, we grew radishes in different colored lights to see which one grew the best. Also, to learn this almost morally, some of us were given stickers, and others not. The ones with the stickers got good soil (for the radishes) and they got candy. Then, we watched a Dr. Suess video, the Sneeches. After studying Africa, I realized that food problems in America are like the Star-Bellied Sneeches, we have it better. While Africa is like the Non-Star bellied Sneeches “And who have no stars upon thars.” (Quote from the video). When we saw the PBL prompt, “How can we as CMS students solve local and global food problems?”. We researched and found out that the main problem is lack of protein. Then we researched which foods were rich in protein: peanut butter, rice and beans, and cheese. We would not have to alter the portions, just change the meal. The recipe is rather simple, and we can fly or ship the necessary ingredients. These are small changes but can affect the Haitian people in a big way!

Created By:

Iman Khan

Maggie Michels

Zara Ishaque


Created with images by gilest - "Meanwhile"

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