The Stock Market Game By: Hanlan Paquin

Helpful Resources

Ask adults you know and trust.

Use your resources well, ask your parents or guardians if they are invested in stocks. You can ask them about how their stocks are doing, how they invested and what strategies they use when buying and selling stocks.

You can also check the company's website for an investor relations section, which provide stock information, and show other ways the company is trying to grow its business, such as upcoming events and announcements.

Check your Stocks

You can track your stocks at

After investing you'll want to check your stocks regularly. If you know how your stocks are doing most of the time, you can make better decision of when to sell your stocks.

Investment Strategies


Deciding which stocks to buy can be tricky, here are some way to help with your decision making.

Think about the decision

Check the stock regularly. If you are planning on buying a certain stock you'll want to check it regularly as well, so you can buy it when it's low. For example: if you are looking to buy the McDonald's stock, buy it between mealtimes,such as late morning or early evening, because they have fewer customers then.

Check the stock's history. If it's done well in the past, chances are it will continue doing well. If it has had several highs and lows, it's a riskier stock to invest in. If it is constantly in the red, it's probably safer not invest in it, because chances are it will continue in the red.

Big Chains. Many chain restaurants or big corporations have better stocks than a small busineses, because of the number of consumers and profits made.

Investing around the holidays can be tricky.

Holiday shopping. During the holidays of the year many businesses see increases and decreases in the value of their stocks. A good strategy to use when investing around any holiday is to think about what kinds of things are more frequently bought. For example; around Christmas and Hanukkah time more toys are bought, to give as gifts to kids. Therefore, investing in Hasbro or Disney could lead to a substantial increase in their stock value.

Best of Luck Investing!

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