Finland MacGuire

Finland is a country in Europe

this is a picture of a Finnish forest

this is the Finnish flag

this is also a picture of the Finnish flag

two finnish flag on bottle

In Finland they speak Finnish

Finnish words 1 castle = linna pronunciation lean-a 2 Finland = Suomi pronunciation sue-o-me 3 friend = ystävä pronunciation oo-sta-va


When you finish high school and get your Dalmatia you get the optician of getting a sword and a top hat

There is a mountain in the north of Finland that Finland owns half of it and Norway owns half and the peak but in 2017 Norway plans to give it to Finland for the hundred year Independence from Russia

helsinki is the finnish capitol

Geography fairly flat but in north is mountains

places you can visit is Rovaniemi witch is said to be the home of Santa Cluas

you can also visit the castle of Savonlinna or the castle of Suomenlinna

some other major CITES are ESpoo and tampere


thrid in the worlds cleanest air

80% covered in forest

In the north you can go reindeer sleding


Created with images by Unsplash - "aurora borealis northern" • Dave_S. - "Finnish Birch forest in winter" • Dave_S. - "Winter's magic" • Free Grunge Textures - - "Finland Grunge Flag" • MAKY_OREL - "finland finnish flag siniristilippu" • Jaro Larnos - "Winter" • chefranden - "Finnish Windmill" • 100777 - "img_2892" • berlinrider - "Northern lights above a cottage" • Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho - "Contact" • Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho - "Forest Path" • StevoKebabo - "Aurora Borealis" • Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho - "Plenitude Of A Winter Stroll" • Arto Pitkänen - "One day in late autumn" • Ninara - "IMG_7930 Ii, Finland" • Jaro Larnos - "Slightly panoramic" • Thomas Gartz - "Strömfors Iron Works" • NachoCobos - "The lake house and the northern lights" • Dave_S. - "Nature's Christmas Tree" • i_bogin - "DSC_4895" • Arto Pitkänen - "One day in late autumn" • mustetahra - "It's a little bit longer than me" • Pekka Vainio - "Karkali" • jcorrius - "Finnish goody: Suomi"

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