
Results of the Heritage Act Review Forum

Out of The 277 Who Joined Our Event

208 participated in our Q&A

Are you a member of any of the following type of organisations?

120 reported to be part of a heritage organisation

88 were members of the general public

Here are the rest of the results!

What are you hoping to get out of the Forum today?
Out of 133
Have you ever made a submission on a heritage matter as an individual?
Out of 170
How familiar are you with the Heritage Act and its application?
Out of 106
What type/s of heritage are you most interested in?
Out of 165

Themes of Audience questions and comments

An INDEPENDENT FORUM of 277 experts, professional heritage organisations, community groups, individuals and National Trust members was hosted by the National Trust of Australia

The Forum RECOGNISED the significant contribution that cultural heritage places make to our identity, creating a sense of place and representing the State’s story, its people and its shared connections.

The Forum AFFIRMED the fundamental importance of the role of the Heritage Act, 1977 to identify, protect, promote and conserve cultural heritage places in NSW.

The Forum affirmed that any proposed amendments should result in BETTER HERITAGE OUTCOMES, rather than a weakening of heritage protection.

The Forum recognised that while the Heritage Act and its regulations may benefit from small updates and amendments, its OBJECTIVES AND PRINCIPLES remain APPROPRIATE AND RELEVANT.

The Forum noted that cultural heritage is at IMMENSE RISK from State Significant Developments, which effectively TURN OFF and OVERRIDE the provisions of the Heritage Act, 1977.

The Forum recognised that greater RESOURCING to enable the Act’s effective implementation is FUNDAMENTAL, so that Heritage NSW can show LEADERSHIP, effectively IDENTIFY the state’s heritage places, and manage their SYMPATHETIC CHANGE.

The Forum noted that Heritage is a SHARED RESPONSIBILITY, involving government at all levels, owners, corporations and community groups to identify, protect, conserve, present, and transmit the state’s HERITAGE VALUES to future generations.

The Forum maintained that the NSW Heritage Council should be an INDEPENDENT PUBLIC CHAMPION of heritage comprised largely of RECOGNISED HERITAGE EXPERTS and organisational representatives.

The Forum asserted that Government agencies should be EXEMPLARY OWNERS AND MANAGERS of cultural heritage assets and need to resource their respective heritage maintenance and management role, and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for the cultural heritage of STATE SIGNIFICANT places.

The Forum noted that support for LOCAL GOVERNMENT is VITAL for adequate identification, protection and conservation of the state’s 40,000+ locally listed heritage places.

The Forum agreed that the Heritage Act does not prevent sympathetic re-use of heritage places. When applied well, it ENHANCES strong economic development and delivers good heritage outcomes.

The Forum asserted that owners of heritage places should receive useful ADVICE, effective FINANCIAL INCENTIVES and adequate CONSERVATION GRANTS to ensure well informed ownership of heritage places leads to desirable outcomes.