It has been a gratifying welcome back. During these two weeks and a half, our Beavers have grown and shown what they have learned so far. The first day back at school, all of our Beavers used their English words very often. In the classroom, we have implemented a chart where we place lips every time our Beavers express their thoughts, feelings, questions, etc. in English. The person who speaks the most will have their picture displayed on the computer throughout the day. We explained to them that this is a way to motivate them and help each other get a spot on the screen.

As the end of the school year approaches, we also started a new journal, we are applying what we know such as the letter sounds, numbers, etc. New adventures to come, new knowledge to acquire but the same support and love from us to them.


Language: We are reviewing letters: R, F, W, N, and the use of words that rhyme. We can practice at home by using the following link:
Math: We are counting up to 30, we practice it every day. We learned number 15! We understand size and now we use the word long and short. We measured our hair length and enjoyed using two people to compare who has longer or shorter hair.
Science: We are learning parts of the plants! Through observation, we are able to organize information on an attribute chart. Thank you so much for your collaboration with the plants' pictures, our Beavers love to feel the connection between home and school!
Social Studies: Fairness is not equality! We are getting better and better. Our Beavers are learning to be fair. Here you can appreciate some of their work and what it means to be fair to them. ¨We were playing in the playground Hide and Seek, so the fair thing to do is to take turns to count¨ - Alexa. ¨These are my friend, it is fair that we all have beautiful costumes for the show¨ - Fernando
Project: We are so happy to start our new project. This time around there are super heroes on Beavers city. We voted and we are now building and recreating….more things to come! Just a peek on what we have been working on!

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