MMS First Semester Jeffrey,Elkins,Andresen

My first semester was pretty good, GYM was amazing. we played a whole bunch of fun games, like dodge ball, work out dodge ball, jailbreak(also like dodge ball), Matt ball, baseball, and crazy hand ball was my favorite. the worst week in GYM was probably Wednesday, Wednesday was work out Wednesday. On work out Wednesday we have to do 100 jumping jacks, 20 sit ups, 20 push-ups, down and back lounge, and some other stuff i cant remember and i don't want to. In Mr. Rolers we did a whole bunch of fun, hard projects. My favorite project was the lollipop licking machine and the hardest for me was probably the roller coaster. the materials we had were only construction paper. it was soooooo hard.

And that was my first year of the semester.


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