Bakers Corner

We will make
Awesome treats
Ice cream cupcakes

How To Make Ice Cream Cupcakes


  • Ice cream cones
  • Vanilla cake mix
  • Frosting
  • Chocolate candy melts


  • Piping bag
  • Piping tip
  • Cupcake liners
  • 2 bowls
  • Spatula
  • Whisk
  • Spoon

Making the vanilla cake mix

For my vanilla cake mix it needs:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil ( I use 1/4 cup melted butter)

But if your cake mix is different follow the instructions on the box. Ok, I measured all of the ingredients so now let's take one of the bowls. First we add the powder, then we add the eggs, then the water, then the butter or vegetable oil. Then mix it with the whisk for 2 minutes. After we have mixed the batter it is ready to go in the cupcake pans with the liners in. Usually it will make about 24 cupcakes. Fill the batter in about half way full. Put the cupcakes in the oven at the degrees on the box then put them in for 7 minutes then check then if they are not done after 7 minutes put them in for another 3 minutes.

Vanilla cupcakes

Dipping The Cones

Put some of the candy melts in the 2nd bowl microwave them at half power for 1:00. Then stir it with a spoon. It should be done. Take one cone and dip the edge in candy. Set it aside to dry.

Putting The Cone Together

Once the cones have dried unwrap a cupcake and put it in the cone. Do this to all the cones. Now that all of the cupcakes are in the cones you can start to frost them! Take the piping bag and you frosting. Put the frosting in the bag with the tip of your choice( the tip is optional) pop the frosting on to the cupcakes and your done!!

I hope you liked my recipe!
Created By
Emily G


Created with images by Joel Olives - "Cupcakes" • tongueandcheek - "Cake Day 2012" • tjasazornik - "cake pops dessert sweet" • CITYEDV - "muffin coffee cappuccino" • rojchanachai - "bakery fruit tart homemade" • YUKIHIDE - "cake cream strawberry" • naotakem - "Wedding Cake" • seelensturm - "Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes" • seelensturm - "Vanilla Cupcakes"

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