Guardian Industries LED Lighting Retrofit by Republic

Before LED Lighting:

Dull, yellow lights looked unappealing and were extremely inefficient

Inadequate lighting caused safety concerns

Guardian was spending a significant portion of its budget on utilities

Employees eyes were strained and their productivity suffered

After Installing Energy Saving LED Lighting:

A complete transformation of Guardian's warehouse space

Guardian has saved thousands of dollars per month on energy alone since switching to LED lighting.

The facility has become more efficient and productive.

Safety has improved, and the company experiences fewer accidents.

Massive energy rebates significantly reduced the initial cost of the project. The lights will pay for themselves in a short time.

The warehouse and the lighting have become a source of company pride rather than a shortcoming

Guardian Industries was able to cut costs significantly while supporting a superior environment.

Contact a Republic lighting specialist today and learn how upgrading to LED lighting will help your business and save you money.


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