Venus And Serena Williams female tennis stars

Venus Williams was born June 17 1980.Serena Williams was born September 26 1981. Serena and Venus Williams are the two of the best athletes.There mother and father showed there support when they play tennis.They played tennis in there early life."Tennis is just a game family is forever"

showing some of the awards they won

The Awards They Won

In 1998 and 1999 Venus won the singles title at Lipton. Venus and Serena won the doubles in Australia 2001.Serena won the singles title at the U.S. open in 1999. Serena and Venus won the doubles at Wimbledon in 2000. Serena and Venus teamed up and won the French open and U.S. open in 1999."If your not a competitor you've just got to go home."

P.S. they were crowned the doubles champions in 2003.

Serena and Venus had a moment

1. SerenaWas born in 1981 September 26 and Venus was born 1980 June 17 Venus

2.Stared playing tennis at a young age

3. Went pro 1995 and 1994

4. were crowned the doubles champions in 2003.

5. Became the best known athletes

Venus is trying her best to get the tennis ball

What They Are Good At Doing At Tennis

Venus is really good at serving the ball very hard.

Serena is very good at finding weakness in her opponent's game.

Armentrout, David, and Patricia Armentrout. Venus and Serena Williams. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke Pub., 2004. Print.

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