Hungry Jacks The burgers are better

Hungry jacks belong to the food service and catering sector, this sector encompasses the hospitality industry, which is broken into TWO sections – profit and non-profit establishments. Trends that have emerged are mainly as a result of changes in the Australian lifestyle. We are eating more meals away from home, increase in cultural diversity has lead to many restaurant options and people are socializing by dining out. The increase in time constraints has lead to restaurants offering home delivery.

What do they do?

Hungry Jack's is the exclusive Australian master fast food franchise of Burger King Corporation. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Competitive Foods Australia, a privately held company owned by Jack Cowin. They have a vast rage of delicious products on their menu.

The company operates at a very high level, it is one of if not the biggest fast food franchise in Australia. It recorded a whopping 2 billion dollars in sales last year.

Jack Cowin born in 1943 is a Canadian Australian businessman who owns Hungry Jack's, the Burger King franchise in Australia[1] and is the Executive Chairman of Competitive Foods Australia, one of the country's largest privately held businesses. He has an estimated net worth of 1.87 Billion as of 2016.

Hungry jacks uses surveys and promotions in order to research and develop the business.They include free meals with each survey completed in order to entice the customer to complete it. They then use the surveys to see what items the customers purchase the most as well as what items they want back. the customers influence the franchise a lot.

The company also uses these surveys to improve the quality pf their food. Other ways they improve quality is through the online training the crew have to do. They can do this at home in order for them to familiarize themselves with how to and how not to make the food.

Bunbury Hungry jacks

Fast food outlets as well as hungry jacks have had a massive impact on Australia's rising obesity levels over the past years, That is why they are developing new healthier products as well as improving the current ones.

Hungry Jack's provides excellent employment opportunities for people in their own neighbourhood . For many people, working at Hungry Jack's is their first employment experience and they are given world-class training. At present, They have over 390 stores in Australia, 900 managers and over 18,000 crew.


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