!Walking through Video! iisss liiittttt

This is IMovie, it's pretty tight I learned how to edit videos, sound effects, etc.


Over the shoulder shot with Garageband

So this is Garageband and it's actually my example of a song i created for a certain project in video class.

In Garageband you can combine songs and sound effects to create your own preference of sound.

Some of the equipment: Mic, and Tri-pod

In Video, these are 2 really important pieces of equipment used in creating a video itself for sound and for the stability of a camera's angle while taking a video.
Panoramic photo of the classroom

This is just an image of the classroom with the green screen just to give you an idea of what it's like during class.

Last but not least, the most important piece of equipment. THE CAMERA! DUH!

Most filming is used with drones especially for high angled video clips.

Created By
Donovan Ochoa

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